Circular Economy In Action

Project Code: 2022-3-PL01-KA210-YOU-000095329
About The Project
In March 2020, the European Commission ratified the new Circular Economy Action Plan n an effort to achieve sustainable economic growth and prosperity.
The transition to a Circular Economy aims to foster resource efficiency, minimize waste generation, and promote the sustainable consumption and production of goods and services (European Commission, 2020).
CE is the key to addressing global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource scarcity as it promotes a more sustainable approach across all sectors.
The InAction project was developed to contribute to this cause, as it focuses on issues such as eco-friendly behavior and active citizenship. It aims to creatively engage with youth in adopting a zero-waste lifestyle and in supporting their creative and meaningful participation in their community.

- Raise awareness of the problem of waste and its environmental consequences
- Increase youth’s willingness towards the 5 R’s rule: Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Repurpose, Recycle
- Encourage youth to come up with greener and more sustainable solutions that will also encourage their active participation in their community

Target Groups
- Youth who will develop / enhance their skills in adopting a zero-waste lifestyle
- Youth workers that will use InAction's resources to encourage learners to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle
- Youth organisations, NGOs and other ogranisations dealing with circular economy and/or waste treatment, as well as interested individuals that wish to use the project's materials
- A 3-day Training Activity will be held in Greece to train youth workers on how to use the developed Guide and to deliver zero-waste workshops to youth, thus encouraging them to contribute to the sustainable development of their communities. 2 youth workers from each country will participate in the training (total of 6 youth workers).
- Second training will take place in the form of 'workshops'. Each partner will implement two workshops in their respective country. 7 youth participants will be trained in each workshop (total of 42 youth training). Workshops will include activities that facilitate youth to work together and expolore topics in zero-waste practices.